Building a successful real estate team requires more than just hiring a group of people and hoping for the best. As a team leader, you need to make strategic decisions and avoid common mistakes that can derail your efforts. In this blog, we'll discuss three key mistakes that you should avoid when building a real estate team.

Hiring Agents Before Admin

There is no guarantee that more agents will directly translate to more volume. However, you can be sure that more agents means more time and money managing them, regardless of whether they produce. On the other hand, hiring an admin may add to your expenses, but the tasks they remove from your plate will free you and your agents up to crank out more volume. Admin help pays for itself very quickly.

Hiring People Who Are Just Like You

You should always hire to your weaknesses, both in skill and style. If you're an energetic extrovert, don't hire someone too much like you. It's fun at first but can quickly get chaotic and competitive. By the same token, if you're pragmatic and analytical, it might be comforting to bring on someone who shares those qualities, but if you do that, nothing will ever get out the door.

Poor Communication

The root of all conflict is unmet expectations. Right from the beginning, let people know what your expectations are in terms of prospecting, meeting attendance, production, etc., and build in weekly and quarterly meeting times. That way, everyone stays on the same page, and you can catch minor issues before they become big ones.

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