Buying a home is not a solo endeavor. The savviest buyers build a team around them.

Here are 3 important resources to help you buy a home.


Most people don’t have enough cash hanging around to buy a house outright, so they borrow it in the form of a mortgage. 

Before you even start cruising open houses, find a lender you trust and have them pre-approve you for a loan. That way, you will know exactly what your budget is and keep yourself from falling in love with a house only to find out later that you can’t afford it.


Outside looking in, it might seem like buying a house is pretty straightforward. 

It’s not

Not only will a licensed real estate professional get you the best price and terms on your purchase, but they also manage a whole host of logistics and absorb liability, keeping your deal on track and out of trouble.


Buyers will often wonder why they’re spending an ‘extra’ thousand dollars or so on a lawyer if they’ve already got a licensed real estate professional on the team. 

But a real estate attorney is worth the investment. 

You need them to help ensure you’re in proper ownership of the house, write up your new deed, and negotiate any legal questions beyond your real estate agent.

Bonus: Take a first-time home buyer course at your local county or housing advocacy organization. These courses not only thoroughly prepare you for the realities of buying a home, but they can also help you qualify for federal first-time homebuyer benefits.

Investing the time, money, and effort in assembling this team will pay off in spades when you are making a home purchase.

Want more information? Give us a call at (973) 495-6038!