When you want to sell your home, the first and most valuable resource to use is a real estate professional. But if you really want to put yourself in the best position possible, you will also avail yourself of a few other resources:

A Real Estate Attorney 

In most circumstances, a real estate attorney charges a flat fee for their services, and it's worth every dime. They will write up your deed, handle the money, and negotiate legal details on your behalf. And if you want to give yourself the best chance for a smooth closing, you can ask that attorney to review your title before the house goes on the market. Many title flaws are quick and easy to resolve, but some can take weeks, months, or longer and cause delays and even cancellation of a purchase.  If your attorney screens for problems right off the bat you can save a whole lot of time and trouble down the line.

A Professional House Cleaner 

Even if you don't use a house cleaner regularly, hire someone to clean just before the house is listed, and yes, pay extra to have the windows done. It makes a world of difference in the photos and how the house is perceived by buyers.


You might have a gorgeous house on the inside, but if the exterior is unkempt it will decrease the home's value and even cause some folks to cancel showings altogether. Like the house cleaner, whether you use one regularly or not, now is the time to make the investment in professional landscaping. Have a proper yard clean up: trim any vegetation or branches that touch the house, weed the gardens, edge around walks, driveways and beds, put dark mulch in your flower beds, and keep your lawn neatly mowed.  The money that you invest to prepare your home inside, out, and on paper will come back to you in a higher selling price, faster sales, and so much less hassle. 

Are you getting ready to sell? Shoot us an email at jill@jillbiggsgroup.com or give us a call at (973) 495-6038!