As the market changes, there are fewer listings and more agents going after them. Joining a real estate team will improve the quality of your work life by generating more business, taking administrative duties off your plate, and boosting your morale. 

More Leads

As we continue to face near-historic lows in inventory, the competition to represent sellers and buyers is only getting steeper. In other words, it's becoming harder to be an agent. 

As a team member, one of the benefits you'll experience is having a team leader that acts as a rainmaker to bring you leads and business. 

As a bonus, a team may serve you by providing valuable training and education with real buyers and sellers.

More Time to Focus on What Matters

Nobody has ever accomplished something great on their own.

Since you will be investing a lot of time and energy into generating business, a team is an excellent resource for someone to manage all the other organizational tasks that agents need to worry about.

Every team is organized differently, but many offer the benefit of administrative support, marketing support, and coaching. These perks are things you would otherwise have to pay for yourself or do without. 

Morale Boost

Having other agents around to support rather than compete with you is great for morale, and teammates you trust make transactions flow much smoother. 

A team also introduces a new degree of accountability. While you may have plenty of personal accountability, being responsible for getting things done for a group of people will bring a whole new level of accountability to your life. 

Are you thinking of joining a real estate team? Email us at