Buying a home is an exciting and significant milestone in anyone's life. It's a decision that involves careful consideration, financial planning, and a dash of adventure. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or looking to upgrade to a larger space, understanding the dos and don'ts of the home buying process is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the essential steps, provide valuable insights, and arm you with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

Do Study The Market

Ask a real estate agent to get you on a listing notification for properties in your price range and market area. Watch how fast they sell and for how much they sell. 

In the market for a home in Hudson County? Shoot us an email at and we’ll set you up with listing alerts.

Don't Let Emotions Run The Show

This is a hard one. When you are shopping for a home, it is deeply personal and aspirational. But you have to start the process with your logical brain and not get too invested until you are sure the deal will close.

Do Know And Tend To Your Credit Score

Most of us buy homes using a mortgage. Your credit score will determine how much your mortgage cost you, so keep it tidy.

Don't Change Jobs, Retire, Or Make Big Purchases

Your lender will judge your ability to pay back the mortgage long-term. Job changes, big jumps in your debt, etc., work against you. Save all of that for after the closing.

Do Work With An Agent Who Knocks Your Socks Off

There are so many good real estate agents out there, don't settle for someone who is just OK. Pick someone who has the experience and temperament to serve you best.

Don't Start Shopping Without Proof That You Can Make The Purchase

It's easy to get excited and go shopping immediately. But if you find a house you love, and you can't prove that you can purchase it, it's like a gun with no bullets. You can't make a viable competitive offer, and despite what the media would like to tell you, it is still a competitive market for buyers. Make sure you are ready to win.

There are lots more other ways to prepare well to buy a house, but if you start here, you will be in pretty good shape. Want more information? Give us a call at (973) 495-6038!