Being a realtor isn't easy. While there's nothing better than handing over the keys to a client who found their dream home, you're still bound to run into a few clients who are challenging.

At the Jill Biggs Group, we work hard for our clients, and that includes handling tricky situations while keeping our cool. Here are some real-world tips to stay professional with difficult clients:

1. Be a Listening Post

Sometimes, a client's frustration just means they feel unheard. Before jumping into solutions, take a beat and listen to their concerns. Acknowledge their feelings and ask questions to get their perspective. You might be surprised – listening can calm things down and open the door to a good conversation.

2. Set Clear Expectations (From the Start)

Communication is key in real estate. During your first meeting, set clear expectations about how you work, how you communicate, and how often you'll be in touch. This upfront honesty helps avoid misunderstandings later.

3. Educate, Don't Dictate

Clients come with all different levels of real estate knowledge. When a client has unrealistic expectations, don't just shut them down. Instead, patiently explain the current market, similar properties, and the realities of buying or selling a home.

4. Positive (But Realistic) Vibes Only

Even when facing a challenge, project a positive and solution-oriented attitude. But don't sugarcoat things – be honest and realistic about any bumps in the road.

5. Don't Take Anything Personally

It's easy to get caught up in a difficult client's emotions. Remember, their frustration is usually not about you, but about the stress of buying or selling a house. Let their negativity bounce off you, and focus on finding solutions.

6. Know When to Walk Away 

Sometimes, the best move is to politely decline to work with a client whose personality clashes with yours. There's no shame in that! A good fit is important for a smooth transaction and a happy experience for everyone.

At the Jill Biggs Group, we believe hard work is the foundation of success in Hoboken real estate. It's also about having a team that's got your back, especially when dealing with challenging clients.

Think you'd be a great fit for our fast-paced, client-focused environment? We're always looking for sharp, experienced agents who share our values. Shoot us an email at or give us a call at (973) 495-6038!